Enhancing the homes of Chicago kallahs for 40 years
Comprehensive kitchen and dining package to help our community kallahs set up their new homes.
A native of Chicago, Mrs. Rashie Schnell ע"ה was diagnosed with a life threatning illness in 1982. She was advised by gedolim to involve herself in the mitzvah of hachnosas kallah as a zechus for a refuah sheleima.
With the encouragement and assistance of her husband, R’ Yaakov Schnell ז"ל, Mrs. Schnell began to build this institution of chesed from the ground up. She named it after her mother, Mrs. Shoshana (Rose) Reifer ע"ה.
Ginat Shoshana has assisted over 1,000 Chicago kallahs to begin their married life in a truly befitting manner.
A group of dedicated volunteers work quietly and diligently to make sure every kallah's needs are met. The fund is maintained by private donations.
Currently, Ginat Shoshana services close to 100 kallahs annually in our growing community.
Shabbos Goblets
Pots and Pans
Toaster Oven
Immersion Blender
Food Processor
Accessories Package
This package includes smaller items such as a Shabbos lamp, baking set, knives, peelers and other useful utensils that kallahs will find helpful when starting their home!
A Project of
Ginat Shoshana is grateful to ChesedChicago for being a partner in this avodas hakodesh. Their benevolence allows 100% of every dollar donated to be spent on our kallahs, without any overhead.
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